Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Either it’ll work out or it won’t

There was a great quote on the Italian Job saying that when someone says that they are fine it means “Freaked out, Insecure, Neurotic & Emotional”. This encapsulates the start up experience perfectly.

While it comes naturally to some, for most of us learning to be calm about uncertainties takes time.

Every high is euphoric. Every obstacle is gut wrenching and soul destroying. It can often feel like the world is so stacked against you that maybe the world or a higher being is trying to tell you to stop.

When you have made the decision to act or take a course of action it can be useful to tell yourself that either it will work out or it won’t.

Put that another way, there is a limit to what is actually in your control. So, keep doing what you need to do to make things work, and if it doesn’t then you hopefully haven’t lost too much and you can learn from it.

You lose far more by not even trying. 

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