Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Hire humans

You hear it everywhere – everyone says it – “Always hire stars”.

This wonderful piece of advice is offered by just about everyone, and it is totally wrong.

I see companies all the time advertising for people all across the country and even internationally for quite mundane roles.

Let’s go through the basic reasons
1) Get a grip – there are only so many truly talented people out there, the rest are ordinary humans.
2)      What makes your company attractive to a highly talented individual? Salary, opportunity, equity? If they are truly any good then why aren’t they working in a highly paid job.
3)      Are you or your business “stars”?  (sorry, but I genuinely doubt it)    
4) A business doesn’t run on its stars – it runs on normal people with normal intelligence  and skills performing their normal job – following normal procedures. If you require superhumans to make your business work then your business model is broken.

I’m a big advocate of hiring good people locally and promoting good people from within (if you have them.) It’s amazing what giving a bit of authority and encouragement to a person will do.

If the position description would require a star to perform it, then try looking at the core duties and breaking it into 2 or 3 separate roles that would only require a normal person.

If your business model requires superhumans or stars to work, then its time to change your business model.

Don’t believe the hype, believe in people instead.


  1. Hi! Mr. O'Brien,
    I am a student from business school of RIT.
    Ur EHarmony of Hiring interests me a lot, I chose it as my case-study.
    Can you please share some information of that particular business of yours?
    Many thanks!

  2. Hi Chelsea - great to hear. I run three businesses. The primary one is management consulting - focusing on new projects/business development along with helping start ups and commercialisation. My secondary is recruitment - I help company's find the right people (not the best people - the right people) and I help line up people with companies that match them.
    Hope that helps - happy to talk off line if you send me a contact address.
