Whatever your business plan says the reality is that it will take longer and cost more than you think.
In other words you need to make some money as soon as you can.
Is there something that you can sell now?
Is your basic product ready for sale? Does it have a place in the market as it is?
If your answer is yes, then go selling now.
You may not be cash flow positive but you can stretch your savings (foundation equity) for longer.
The basic failing of many business plans is that there is this seemingly orderly and linear process in which you will work with your team and piece together an amazing world beating product that will make you all instantly rich.
Yep, maybe you can, but the odds on a Lotto ticket are likely better than shares in your company.
Ultimately cash is king and without it you won’t get far. Also, investors are very reluctant to invest in companies that can’t sell their own product. This point is the one that surprises many a self-appointed entrepreneurial genius.
On a personal level, there needs to be a point where you stop taking on personal debt to keep your business going and get in other investors. If you genuinely need more cash before you can make more sales then you should think about bringing in investors. As the old saying goes, “1% of something is worth more than 100% of nothing”.