Recent events in my life have reinforced the meaning of this phrase.
As the psychologist Gordon Livingston says in his book ‘Too Soon Old,
Too Late Wise’ while we are verbal creatures it is our actions that count.
- As a customer I value being called back as soon as possible after leaving a query.
- As a consultant I value hearing a robust opinion or disagreement so we can sort things out, rather than everything going quiet for a long time and then being told that things aren’t working out.
- If you say you are going to do something, do it, otherwise don’t commit to doing it.
- If you are running late on delivering something, tell me and we can work through what we really need and how we can achieve the outcomes over what timeframe.
- If you offer discounts through promotions, then make sure they are genuine and not just a bait and switch tactic.
- As a co-worker or employee – if you don’t understand, find a way to say that, even if you do lose some face.
- Show you care for people through your actions. Often it is the small gestures that make the biggest impact.
- To win work, sometimes you have to do work at a loss to get in the door. Often all a customer needs is a little information to help inform them of what decision to make. Give them that and they will remember and may return the favour with business or referrals in the future.
- Touch base with old customers – not in a CRM ‘I want to sell you more way’, but to genuinely check out that things are still working for them.
- Show respect to people who offer you constructive criticism, especially if they are your manager. Not listening, arguing and not following advice just shows that you don’t believe they have anything of value to offer.
- Turn up to meetings on time, or a few minutes early.
- Don’t talk badly, or act vindictive when people leave your employ. This just debases the loyalty your remaining people have.
- By acting ethically and following the law you are setting the tone for everyone else. If you take shortcuts on everything and always work in shades of gray, don’t be surprised if this comes back to bite you.
- Look for people to reciprocate actions. If you are doing all of the work, or all of the giving, then you are dealing with a one-sided relationship. Either fix that or end it.
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