Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Born leader or titanic asshole?

Wow, there is a generation with healthy self-esteem out there now who believe that they were born to rule. That’s not necessarily a bad thing when it is balanced by talent, but as we have all seen on American Idol, it is often accompanied by startling mediocrity.

We tend to forgive the truly talented for being assholes. The sports star who is out of control on drugs and hookers. The massively self-centred musician. The actor who thinks that their pronouncements on world peace will change the world. Investment bankers who believe that investing in a rising market means that all profits were solely due to their intelligence and chutzpah.

To these people it is only natural that they are the centre of the universe. Heaven help us when two of them meet, the implosion may kill us all.

As a consultant, dealing with planet size egos is part of my daily job. The kinds of people that I choose to avoid most are those who waltz into a room and take charge with no experience or talent behind them. Sometimes they are born leaders. Sometimes they are talented, but in that insane way that the most gifted entrepreneurs are. 
Mostly though, they are just clueless titanic assholes.

If you are a natural born leader, then all I can say is that you should stay nice to people as much as possible. Sheath your claws. Hold your tongue. Bestill your judgement. Stop making threats, and cease throwing unnecessary tantrums.

You are on the way up now, but when you are on your way back down (as you will most likely fall) there will be a big crowd waiting to wade in when you go splat.

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