Monday, February 21, 2011

Own the territory

We buy big name brand products because we know their name. The reason we know their name is that they use mass market advertising to promote their brand and products. The reason they can mass market is because they are big and they have a big budget.

As a startup you don’t have the budget, you don’t have the brand name and not many people know who you are. Even if they do know who you are then they are not sure if they want to enter a long term customer relationship with a startup.

The military term is that you need to own the territory. Sure battles are important, but you want your potential customers and your rivals to see you everywhere.

What word of mouth tactics are you using to promote your product? What alliances are you forming?  Do you have a referrals system? Do you advertise on the web through banner ads? Will radio ads work? Can you purchase competitors or access to their databases? Can you get promotional pieces through local journalists? Do you have keystone customers whose presence will make others consider you. Do you have a reputation for delivery, quality or price?

You need to be appearing front of mind to your customer base – go own the territory.

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