Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Focus on today

Every day you go to work you should focus on what you can do that day for your business outcomes.

When you only look at the big picture then you fail to do what you need to do.

When you worry about the system you miss the opportunities to make sales now. After all it is up to Government to set regulations, not you.

When you set stretch goals you spend so much time worrying about not reaching them that you can forego more sustained smaller gains.

A wise man I know was in an organisation where for 5 years the operations side had failed to achieve their targets. Workers were on a production bonus and for short periods of time could actually reach production targets but it wasn’t sustained, and the workforce were demoralised and exhausted. This man had a brainwave and at a meeting simply asked – “ what can we do today to make things better for tomorrow.”

This led to hundreds of small changes in the way things were done in the operations and quite rapidly led to sustained increased performance that makes that company now one of the best at what it does in the World.

Starting the day with the question “what can I do today to make tomorrow better” is a great way to improve your business.

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