Monday, April 11, 2011

Panic is a transmissible disease

Panic is insidious. It takes over all your thoughts and actions. Instead of getting on with what you need to, you are running from action to action with little if any thought of whether you need to or not.

The worst thing is that as the company owner if you panic then so will your employees. When you are all panicking then everyone is full of frantic energy which is directed in every direction but that which is useful.

Then the blaming starts. Some people quit. Some people come to work but shut down. Politics can turn nasty. Things can turn sour very quickly

Seeing a company, or even a project team panicking and descending into these behaviours is heartbreaking.

Time to be an actor.

No matter how much you are panicking yourself – don’t show it; don’t share it. Speak calmly. Take time to make decisions. Listen to people’s questions and give them a fair answer. Identify when you are feeling neurotic and emotional and limit contact with others during those times.

Most of all - Don't Panic

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