Thursday, August 4, 2011

Read your star sign – why astrology can break rigid habits

I originally trained in science and have since been working in pretty much analytical professions ever since. I can even tell you exactly why astrology is a load of bunkum, however, I have learned to appreciate one aspect of it. That is – it encourages change and experimentation.

Seems contradictory right.

Many people with a strong technical background get stuck in their ways. Yes, I am talking about you.

You have a limited group of friends, you are rigid about the times you go to and leave work, you generally eat the same foods, you watch the same shows each week, and so on. You are probably stuck in a rut.

Time to introduce some chance into things.

It doesn’t have to be astrology that does this. There was a book called “The Dice Man” years ago that encouraged people to choose what to do by rolling dice.

The Jim Carrey movie “Yes Man” was another example where rather than choosing to follow the normal routine he said yes to everything.

Start mixing your life up a bit.
  • Try buying a new brand of toothpaste, deodorant, bread or breakfast cereal next time you are at the supermarket.
  • Let your hairdresser or a complete stranger pick your next hairstyle.
  • Go into a clothes shop you have never been to.
  • Force yourself to go out to a restaurant or café on a weeknight.
  • Go meet complete strangers at an event.
  • Go the long way to get to work.
  • Go somewhere new in your lunch break.

The benefits are huge. You will get used to being out of your comfort zone and you may just meet all sorts of people who can help you on your way.

Get out there and mix it up a bit.

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