Thursday, May 26, 2011

Sometimes you need to be an asshole

As much as I think Dale Carnegie had a lot of good ideas on how to get on with people and get the best out of relationships, sometimes you just need to be an asshole.

You are running a business, not a charity. If you always take a step back and let the other party get their way, then you are letting them improve their business, not yours.

You need to stick up for yourself and your business sometimes.

When you have been to 15 sales meetings and they still want more information, tell them that you have given them all the information that they need. The product is perfect for their needs, the price is good and all they need to do is actually buy.

Staff who give you lip and act like they own the place need to be reminded who is in charge.

When a customer asks for extra service without paying extra “Just as a favour” – learn to say, “sure, I’ll send you a variation notice for that as it is out of scope.”

When a customer tells you that they don’t like what you did and won’t pay remind them that you have a contract under the law and that you have delivered on exactly what they asked for and that you will be happy to pursue them in Small Claims Court.

The point is that humans are humans. We all try it on occasionally and we all need to be reminded how relationships work and how contracts work.

It’s not about actually being an asshole, but having those difficult conversations with people that need to happen. You may feel like an asshole, but it may help straighten things out.

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