Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Those who fight their way to the top usually fight their way back to the bottom again

It is quite illuminating to watch people who fight for everything.

In many ways if you fight for every step you take, then you may end up being quite successful.

However, sooner or later you need to learn to pick your fights.

This is true whether you are working in a big company or running your startup.

Standing up for yourself and not taking no for an answer are important traits, and for most of us we could do with a little more of that.

In business and life we tend to deal with people who we find easy to get on with. If your price is absolutely sensational or you just don’t have competitors then you can last a while being obnoxious.

Sooner or later if you pick fights all the time then people will stop calling, you get less repeat business and word gets around.

Running a startup it is important to take a step back and look at your own emotional reactions to things. There are probably some situations where you are being too passive and should get a few swings in, and there are probably situations where you are giving people grief over absolutely trivial matters. Just try to make sure that your priorities are aligned with those of the business.

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