Monday, November 7, 2011

Act like you own it

Nah ... not my problem.

When you own a business you own the successes and the failures.

As an employee it is always possible to find a way to put off decisions and deflect blame. A lot of people go their whole careers avoiding making decisions or taking responsibility – and to a degree they are correct as the system largely determines ability to make a difference to outcomes.

The experience of setting up a business is a bit like moving out of your parent’s home. It is scary. There are a lot of things you don’t know how to do, and you didn’t realise how much was done for you.

It’s the weather. It’s the competition. My employees are just lazy. The red tape is too much. My suppliers have it in for me. We have a great product but nobody recognises it.

All these are excuses I have heard and can guarantee I will continue to hear. These come from people who don’t own the outcomes of operating a business.

Now it’s just you. Accept this reality and get on with it.

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