Sunday, December 18, 2011

Hire Humans

Open your mind and open the door to a lot of great potential candidates

This wonderful piece of advice is offered by just about everyone, and it is totally wrong.

I see companies all the time advertising for people all across the country and even internationally for quite mundane roles.

Let’s go through the basic reasons.    
  1. Get a grip – there are only so many truly talented people out there, the rest are ordinary humans.
  2. What makes your company attractive to a highly talented individual? Salary, opportunity, equity? If they are truly any good then why aren’t they working in a highly paid job.
  3. Are you or your business “stars”?  (sorry, but I genuinely doubt it).
  4. A business doesn’t run on its stars – it runs on normal people with normal intelligence and skills performing their normal job – following normal procedures. If you require superhumans to make your business work then your business model is broken.

I’m a big advocate of hiring good people locally and promoting good people from within (if you have them.) It’s amazing what giving a bit of authority and encouragement to a person will do.

If the position description would require a star to perform it, then try looking at the core duties and breaking it into 2 or 3 separate roles that would only require a normal person.

Don’t believe the hype, believe in people instead.

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