Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Believe and you will receive

Okay, so business success isn’t what the bible refers to with this idea, but it still holds true.

Self-belief is important to success.

I am not talking about the bulletproof, never had a reality check kind of self-belief that American Idol auditionees have, but the determination to succeed and the willingness to see the process through to the end kind of self-belief.

I’m also not talking about delusion or fantasy which are important in small doses, but if you have too much of that then you won’t come out of the clouds.
  • Believe that your product is worth the same as your competitors and price yourself accordingly.
  • Believe that your vision is worth following and others will too.
  • Believe that your customers are valuable and they will pick up on that and appreciate you.
  • Believe that your opinions are worth something and others will listen.
  • Believe that you can grow the company into something bigger and you can.

When you believe you try to find a way to make things work and stop looking for excuses to not do things. 

Do you believe me?

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