Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Celebrate the small things

If you believe in the movies one day all your hard work will pay off and you will cross a threshold called success. You will have lots of money and freedom, and all will be good.

It would be nice to have a single day that allows you to celebrate victory wouldn’t it. What happens the next day?

Don’t put off celebrations until that big day. You will go mad waiting.

Celebrate the small victories you have every day.

Celebrate each sale, no matter how small. Celebrate each other’s birthdays. Celebrate being alive. Celebrate being able to afford to keep your company going. Celebrate the fact that your employees believe in your vision enough to stick with you. Celebrate the fact that the sun is shining. Celebrate the rain. Celebrate that the printer didn’t break down again.

Celebrate anything you can, and take what joy you can whenever you get the chance. It’ll help.

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