Monday, October 10, 2011

Inspiration is everywhere

It never ceases to amaze me where you meet potential entrepreneurs.

A few years ago I was at a dinner with a bunch of suits, and one of them bought along their girlfriend, who was feeling like a fish out of water as she hadn’t been to university. When she raised the idea of the business she wanted to do everyone else laughed at her, but I didn’t.

She had a goal, she had worked in the industry, she was curious, she was talking to anyone she could to find out more and she was going to make it happen.

The rest of the table were in the post-MBA honeymoon period – you know, those 5 years after you finish during which you believe your own hype about how wonderful you are and your divine right to rule. None of them had a clue and they actively scorned her.

I would back the lady to succeed in a heartbeat. The rest of the table I wish well with their careers in middle management.

There are inspiring and amazing role models around us everywhere – it’s just that they don’t look like they do in the movies. Stop looking for the Prada wearing, BMW driving role models and start looking for the tradesman made good, the successful retailer, the manufacturer who is growing, the online retailer who is carving out a niche, etc.

Look to those who know how to do business and you will truly be inspired.

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