Sunday, March 27, 2011

Beware armchair generals

Everyone in a startup needs to be contributing, not criticizing or commentating.

Your main managers need to do more than simply plan and supervise, they need to be able to do. Management is only a part of their job.

Funders who understand the industry and can help open doors and provide sage advice are welcome. Funders who are out of touch with the industry or made their money from another industry should not have any day to day control over the activities of the corporation – they will have limited understanding of the issues you are facing and may well be a destructive force.

Board members likewise should be key employees, key funders with experience or people who bring industry specific knowledge to you.

The last thing you need is an organisation of people all telling each other they should do their jobs better, but none of whom actually knows how to do anything.

Encourage solutions not criticism.

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